Saturday, February 16, 2013

2013 The importance of interaction analysis in CSCL

The importance of interaction analysis in CSCL
We know that these collaborative learning environments are characterized by a high degree of interaction with the system user, thereby generating a lot of action events. The action event management is a key issue in applications, since, on the one hand, the analysis of data obtained recogidosu real life online, collaborative learning situations also help important issues in the functioning of the group and collaborative learning process should be further understood that this can guide both the design workspace more functional and software components, as well the development of improved facilities such as awareness, feedback, monitoring space work, evaluation and monitoring of the work of the group by a coordinator, tutor, etc.. Indeed, data filtering, proper management of events allows the establishment of a list of parameters that can be used to analyze the group's activities space (eg tutor-to-group or member to member communication flow, asynchronism in the space group, etc.). These parameters allow the efficiency of the group's activities for better performance and group and individual attitudes of its members in the shared workspace that was predicted.
Furthermore, application design will be necessary for this purpose organize and manage both the resources offered by the system and the users accessing these resources. All this user-and resource-user interaction user generates events or "logs" to be found in the log files and represent the information base for conducting statistical process aimed at obtaining knowledge of the system. This will facilitate collaborative learning process by keeping users abreast of what is happening in the system (for example, the contributions of others, documents created, etc.) and control user behavior in order to provide support (eg, help students who are unable to perform a task on your own). Therefore, the user-user and user interaction is critical resource in any collaborative learning environment
to enable groups of students to communicate with each other and achieve common goals (eg, a classroom activity in collaboration).
Although user interaction is the most important point to be managed in applications, it is usually also important to be able to monitor and control the performance and overall system performance. This allows the administrator to continuously monitor critical parts of the system and act as necessary. Moreover, it adds a layer of security implied what already exists (for example, user habits of control "to detect fraudulent use of the system unauthorized users).
To effectively communicate the knowledge gained from the activity of the users group in terms of knowledge and feedback, CSCL applications should provide full support to the above three aspects are essential in all applications collaboration, namely, coordination, communication and collaboration in order to create virtual environments where students, teachers, tutors, etc. are able to cooperate with each other to achieve a common goal of learning. Coordination involves the organization of the group in order to achieve the objectives set and monitor user activity, which is possible by maintaining awareness of the participants.
The communication relates to the communication medium basically messages between users within and between groups and may be in both synchronous and asynchronous modes. Finally, the partnership allows members of the group share all kinds of resources, which is also found in synchronous and asynchronous modes. Both coordination and collaboration and communication will generate many events that will be communicated to users after these facts have been manipulated and analyzed in order to provide users with as much awareness as possible immediate and constant flow as
possible feedback.

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